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  • Whats the Server IP?
    You can connect to our server using either and
  • How can i join?
    You can join us by using the Twitch Launcher [Download here] Simply open twitch and navigate to the mods tab select minecraft select browse FTB modpacks select FTB Revelations We are currently running FTB Revelation 2.6.0
  • Am i allowed to stream from the server?
    Yes! Members can stream from the server aslong as they agree to abide by a few guidelines and include NLG and/or the IP\ site address within the stream or description Do not disrespect NLG, The server and any member. staff or not via streaming. Do not use streaming as a means to gain advantage over other players. Do not impersonate staff or imply you have staffing rights or permissions. All players are responsible for their Account andActions and accept our right to take action based on the result of any breach of rules regardless of whom may have access to the account.
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